Monday, November 24, 2008

What are they saying about you?

Recent social media enthusiasts are creating content on the web at record speeds, and it's big business. They are sharing content about real-time events to followers as "tweets" on Twitter, offering their opinions in forums, and adding customer generated content on business web sites.

What is being said about your brand?Although you may not have much control over what others are documenting on the Internet, you can use this to your advantage.

Here's how.

1. Set up an alert on Google, Yahoo, and Twitter, among others, with your brand or business name. Anytime there is new content, you'll get notified.

2. Assessment and evaluation. Research time ...learn what different types of social media options are best for your type of business. Some are best for specific industries such as writers, musicians, or marketing.

3. Set up a Social Media Strategy and Action Plan.

a. Create a blog about your industry. Continually add helpful information for your readers. This is also a great opportunity for special offers, list building, and to get your customers involved and coming back for more.

b. Create an account on the most popular social media platforms. You'll want to create and save a file of your profile information to complete your profile quicker. A completed profile builds trust, even better, include a picture! The Big Three? Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In. Additional popular communities include Friendfeed, Onxiam, Tabber, Digg, among others.

c. Get involved, join networks, offer others your advice, and become an expert in your industry. But, if your just trying to sell something and not offer anything, it can do more harm than good.

You may be thinking...Oh Great! More to do! I don't have time to be chatting in rooms! Don't fret, there's help out there.

As more businesses are seeking these types of services, providers are stepping up and learning how to provide assistance in the setup and management of social marketing for their clients. Outsourcing will save you time, money, and getting things done.

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