Saturday, February 2, 2008

Top 20 Best Website Tips

  1. Know the top three things your visitor will be seeking while visiting your site.
  2. Make it obvious what action you want your visitor is to take.
  3. Give away something of value to your visitor (yes, for free) in return for submitting their email address.
  4. Have someone read your content and take out all jargon.
  5. Include a toll-free number and email contact on every page.
  6. Include a separate title for each page, not just the home page.
  7. Write a powerful, relevant description for your page, under 180 characters, using that page's keywords.
  8. Every page should have a clear message, what you can do for them, and what they should do next.
  9. Have a clean, constitant look for every page.
  10. Use a graphically correct, professional logo, and yes, a favicon.
  11. Include a description of your services or products, including a price list.
  12. Include testimonials in your site.
  13. Include a sitemap.
  14. Offer links to additional resources that your visitors may actually be interested in.
  15. Content should be short and to the point, use bullets when appropriate.
  16. Include a FAQ section.
  17. Include an ongoing, updated blog.
  18. Offer a newsletter, update it regularly with relevant, useful information.
  19. Make it easy for visitors to bookmark, tag, or subscribe to your RSS feed.
  20. Send email to your contact list inviting them to read more about a new service, a new product, free information, or contest for return visitors to your site.
Need help implementing? Visit LauraJean Business Services.

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